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Admissions FAQs

Clayton State is located in Morrow, Georgia about 20 minutes south of Atlanta. Take 从75号州际公路233号出口出来,或者从675号州际公路5号出口出来,然后跟着指示牌走. 一到校园, 跟着指示你去招生办公室的指示牌走. 我们位于地势较低的地方 埃奇沃特大厅一层,在8号楼150室 campus map.

是的,我们提供学生带领的校园参观. Schedule a tour 我们今天的校园!

Fall (July 15)




Apply online

Great question! 免疫接种要求 可在大学健康服务网页查阅.

A Physician, qualified medical provider or Health Department official will need to 完成/转移您的免疫接种记录到 克莱顿州免疫表. 如果你没有医疗服务,我们的 大学保健处 收费提供免疫服务.

Please contact the Office of Recruitment and Admissions at (678) 466-4115.

Please mail or deliver official transcripts to: Office of 本科招生 克莱顿州立大道2000号. 边水厅,莫罗150室,邮编30260-0285 Transcripts must have the institution’s seal and must be presented in an unopened 寄送机构的正式信封. 99hg皇冠登录 currently accepts electronic transcripts from the following:

  • eSCRIP
  • Clearinghouse
  • Parchment

If your previous school(s), college(s) or universities offer this service, submit 官方成绩单: csuinfo@119178.com

Yes, please see the fee waiver policy below for the conditions for each fee waiver type.


  • 学生必须在大学理事会的网站上打印学费减免
  • 签署费用豁免书
  • Forward the original Fee Waiver with completed paper application
  • 提交给招聘办公室 & Admissions

ACT and NACAC Fee Waivers (Counselor or Administrator submission only)

  • 必须是学费减免原件(不接受复印件)
  • 一份完整的入学申请必须附有豁免书
  • 豁免书必须附有正式的高中成绩单
  • Test scores must be received by Clayton State, or submit proof that the student has taken the test
  • 必须达到99hg皇冠登录 录取标准
  • Must be submitted by high school counselor or administrator only


  • 必须是学费减免原件(不接受复印件)
  • A completed application paper for admission must accompany the waiver 入学申请PDF
  • Official college school and/or high school transcript must accompany the waiver
  • Test scores (if applicable) must be received by Clayton State, or submit proof that 这个学生参加了考试
  • 一定要去克莱顿州 录取标准
  • 必须仅由TRiO管理员签名吗

Academics, Financial Aid, Housing, Public Safety and Parking FAQs

Yes, the University Honors Program accepts first-year and transfer students and offers an enriched college experience through special Honors courses and community service. The 申请荣誉课程 是分开的 申请大学. You must apply for admission to 99hg皇冠登录 before or at the same time 你申请荣誉课程.

A typical size of a freshmen class will probably remind you a lot of your high school classes. We have very few lecture-style classrooms with hundreds of students. The 典型的班级规模约为23人. 超过79%的教师拥有博士学位 或者是他们研究领域的终极学位.

Clayton State requires all students to have access to a laptop computer per the ITP guidelines. Please see the ITP选择网站 满足我们的笔记本电脑需求.

是的,99hg皇冠登录提供研究生水平的课程. 欲知详情,请浏览 the 研究生院.

Most classes are offered day and evening; however there are online and weekend classes. 您需要检查 course schedule 查看课程表.

您可以完成 FAFSA online. 99hg皇冠登录的学校代码是008976.查看更多财政援助信息.

No. HOPE Grant and HOPE Scholarship will pay 90 percent of the tuition regardless of the number of hours a student is enrolled, with the Zell Miller Scholarship paying 100 percent of tuition regardless of the number of hours enrolled. The Pell Grant and other federal grants will be prorated according to Department of Education’s calculation 如果学生不是全日制的. 学生贷款资格要求学生 至少注册一半时间(六个学时). 查看更多财政援助信息.

是的,贷款是经济援助的一种形式. 你必须填写FAFSA并通过 常规申请流程. 你应该在FAFSA上注明你有兴趣 in loans. Notification of your eligibility for loans will be on your award letter. You must complete the online loan acceptance form after you are awarded if you decide 接受贷款. However, you must be enrolled in at least six hours for an undergraduate student to be eligible for a student loan and at least five hours for a graduate.

A student's dependency status is determined by questions in the Student Portion of the FAFSA Form. It does not matter if you live with your parents, if you claimed yourself 在你的纳税申报单上,或者如果你支付自己的账单. 你必须符合一定的标准 to be declared an independent student for the purposes of the FAFSA. 查看更多财政援助信息

You can check the status of your financial aid by using the DUCK. Go to The SWAN. 单击DUCK图标. 使用您的用户名和密码登录.

If you have difficulty with your log-on, submit a tech help request at HUB webpage or e-mail TheHub@119178.com,或致电(678)466-4357. 您的密码不能通过电子邮件或电话请求更改. To have your password changed or reset, you must go to the HUB and show a picture ID.

Yes, one way to really get to know Clayton State and ease into life as a Laker is 住在学校的宿舍或公寓里. Laker Hall offers suite-style living for undergraduates, particularly freshman. Laker Village offers apartment-style accommodations for upperclassman and graduate students.

所有第一次入学的全日制新生都是 要求住校 在他们的第一年,除了一些例外. 多年来,研究表明 that students who begin their college career in the residence halls have an easier time making the social and academic transition from high school to college. This is because our residence halls provide services, leadership opportunities, and programs 专为本科生设计.

Our department of public safety is taking a proactive approach to providing for the 安全校园,社会治安 公共安全处 has developed the Campus Alert/Watch program; information about the crime trends that may pose a threat to the community, general safety and crime prevention techniques are distributed via E-mail, through "Campus Alert" and "Campus Watch" posters to the 校园社区.

Any student may have a car on campus, but you must get a permit from the Public Safety 办公室位于Edgewater大厅的二楼.